As my move approaches, I am nearly packed. I have a few kitchen items left, and a dresser full of canning and preserving equipment that need to be dealt with. Other than that, everything is in boxes and bags, ready to be loaded into my car. I have a lot of stuff, but certainly not nearly as much as I had about a week ago. By my best estimates, I have reduced my belongings by about 1/3. How?
Uncluttering, Part I
This step is based on getting rid of what is easy to part with. I am committed to living more simply, so it was not very difficult for me to identify what items I do not use, and get rid of them.
I went through each space in my home and culled out all the items that I don't use. This was relatively easy. I tried on all the clothing I owned and made a sizable pile of what I either don't wear or doesn't fit. I put everything in my kitchen onto the counter and picked out duplicates and items that I've never (or rarely) used. I did this for the entire house. Then I put some ads on Craigslist and in the local paper, emptied these items onto my front lawn, and had a yard sale. At the end, the remaining items--an entire Subaru Outback's worth--went straight to charity.
Uncluttering, Part II
This step is motivated by the fact that I have to move all of my belongings to a new house this weekend. The more I get rid of, the less I have to move.
As I packed, I asked myself whether I really needed the item I was about to put into a box. I was not as ruthless here as I probably ought to have been, but it resulted in another 1/2 car load of items going to charity this morning.
Uncluttering, Part III
This will be done in a few weeks, when I actually unpack my stuff at my new house. As I have gone through this process, I have been slowly loosening the grip of consumerism. I have been conditioned to think that I need stuff in order to be happy. I am now to the point that the amount of stuff I have is disturbing. This is a step in the right direction, but I'm not done yet.
I am pleased with the progress I have made, but there is more to be done. Thankfully, I have a 2 week vacation to reward myself for my hard work and restore my energy. When I return I will complete Part III, and hopefully be in a good position to start my new, uncluttered life.
Kealy - I'm moving in two weeks and this is very inspiring! Good luck in Durham!