
Crazy Stunts Don't Help the Environment

If you've seen the news today, I'm sure you've gotten wind of the situation at the Discovery Channel headquarters in Silver Spring, MD. Evidently a man named James Lee has a major beef with Discovery Channel for promoting the propagation of the human race. Lee is convinced that the best and perhaps the only way to save the planet is to cease human reproduction entirely and halt modern civilization until nature takes over.


To get his point across, Lee has taken hostages at the Discovery Channel headquarters and is evidently making demands. The police won't release specific information about the demands, but many are guessing that it has something to do with a document Lee posted on a website earlier today.

You see, Lee is so dedicated to his cause that he has written a manifesto. It's an interesting read, to say the least. To save you a little time, I'll summarize his points below. *Note: Lee organizes his thoughts into 11 numbered items and some disorganized rambling. However, upon closer reading, I realized he has only a few things to say...

Humans are ruining the planet, therefore we should not only cease population growth, but stop having children all together. Sterilization and infertility are the answer. Obviously. To go along with that, war (and peace movements for that matter, which are all fakes and lies) promote population growth, so we have to stop them, too. Also, no more using fossil fuels or growing crops. Both of these promote reproduction. Stop producing food, stop producing humans. It's as simple as that. 

The best way to accomplish these goals would be through TV shows on the Discovery Channel and its affiliates. Game show formatting would work particularly well for these topics. Just keep beating society over the head with this stuff until they change their ways and destroy themselves. It's your civic duty.

Oh, and once you're done destroying modern civilization, please find solutions for unemployment and homelessness, too. Thanks.

We're all entitled to our own opinions, but this little stunt isn't going to do anything for the planet. The only thing these attention-seeking actions do is make the rest of the country think that all environmentalists are crazy tree huggers who share the same beliefs as the folks on TV calling for sterilization and other nonsense. For those of us trying to make an actual difference, people like this make our job a hundred times harder.

So, to all you crazy environmentalists out there who are thinking about taking hostages, ramming whaling ships, burning down buildings, or any number of other equally idiotic and counter-productive activities: please, for the planet's sake, just stay home.

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