
Chicken Update

It's been a while since I've put anything up here since school has been so busy, so I figured it was high time to post an update about the chickens.

First Egg Excitement!
The girls have been growing like weeds, and look like adult chickens now! Even more exciting, they started laying about 3 weeks ago, right on time at 5 months old. The first week we got about 1 egg per day, lately we've reliably been getting 2 per day, and occasionally 3 per day. Chickens can produce 1 egg every 25 hours, so eventually we should be getting 3-4 eggs per day from our 4 chickens.*

The celebration over the first egg was perhaps a tad gratuitous. What can I say? We've been waiting for this day for months! The egg was a nice tan color, and about 3/4 the size of a standard, Grade-A, large chicken egg.

It's a little tough to split an egg, but we decided to share the first one anyway. Below are a few photos of our glorious first egg, followed by a shot of this week's egg production.

Frying away!
Arranged in order of size, with the biggest up top.

*Yes, we have only 4 chickens now. Sadly, Theo turned out to be a rooster. As we are not allowed to have roosters within the city limits of Durham because of the noise, he had to go.