
September already?

Summer flew by and suddenly it's September, and I have homework again. But what fun homework it is! The class I am most excited about (Sustainable Cities and Urban Design) has the following required texts:

Seven Rules for Sustainable Communities: Design Strategies for the Post-Carbon World
By Patrick M. Condon (find it here)

Sustainable Urbanism: Urban Design with Nature
By Douglas Farr (find it here)

Why am I so excited about this? Because my focus in school thus far has been on high-performance buildings, energy efficiency, and business management. Now I get to wrap all of that up in sustainable urban design. How do we pull together new high-performing buildings with energy efficiency upgrades for the existing buildings in a way that creates a living, walkable, truly sustainable community? How do we encourage sustainable businesses to act sustainable by joining these communities and helping them thrive? How do we make significant changes in the way that Americans live, work, and play in the next 50 years to avoid a complete climate crisis?

I don't know, but I hope I'll have some ideas by the end of this course. Either way, I'll post the most interesting stuff here. Happy new school year everyone!

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